Exit Strategy
The Fund shall exit from the enterprise by way of a share repurchase by the Investee Firm, sale to a mutually agreed investor, based on the greater of the book or market value of the shares, using recognized valuation methodologies; or listing on a recognized securities exchange (ECSE).
Purpose of the Fund
The YOUTH ENTERPRISE EQUITY FUND is a source of equity financing established to assist in providing start-up equity for young entrepreneurs. The fund has been incorporated as a tax-exempt Limited Liability Company under the Laws of Saint Lucia and is being managed and administered by the Saint Lucia Development Bank with other major investors as shareholders. Small investors will also be encouraged to participate in the fund.
The Fund is an open-ended Fund from which investors shall have the option to exit after a minimum period of seven years based on the calculation of the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the Fund.
It is envisaged that the product will be administered through partnership with, the Government of Saint Lucia (GOSL), other state Agencies such as Office of Private Sector Relations (OPSR), through its CLIMB programme, the National Insurance Corporation (NIC); the National Skills Development Center (NSDC), the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College (SALCC); and other investors and partners in the fund.